1.0 - beta
1.1 - Fixed crash bug.
1.2 - Removed mini icon which showed up on Handsprings. - Re-arranged stats to put year at bottom. - Meditation encounters now show up on the main screen, to facilitate quick play, since they had no choices anyway.
1.3 - Made it reset currentencounter to 0 when you win.
Unversion: (1.3 +) - Added score display to top line (+ text in help and rules dialogs). - Added divider to menu to separate out the clear best score item. - Removed border from encounter screen.
1.4 (released: June 10, 2002) - Removed border from main text area. - Packrat and coyote powers double their respective item finds. - 2 new encounters (labyrinth and traders). - Updated URL and copyright year. - Updated demo (1 more encounter available, cosmetic changes, packrat + coyote updates, put meditation encounters on main screen).
1.5 (released: Nov 10, 2002) - Fixed traders variables to be long ints in case people traded with huge amounts of stuff. - Put in high scores lists. - Put in high score and new game buttons for when a game is finished, to make playing a new game without going to the menu easy. - Re-arranged an encounter order (ruins).
1.6 (patch existing users only, released // ) - Fix: made the score display the '*'s correctly if your current score is higher than any on the high score table so far. - Addition: made the score at the top of the screen have '[!]' after it if it is enough to get on the high score list.
1.7 (released: Jan 23, 2003 - Added highlighting of newly added highscores at game end. - Put graffiti shift indicator on high score name entry field. - Bolded the choices on the encounter screen to help visually highlight them for faster play (Demo too). - Caravan encounter now shows how much junk and food you are carrying. - Inverted a stat to indicate if it is above 99,999 pts
1.8 (released: about may 12, 2003 - Auto backup added.
1.9 (released: about march 4, 2004) - Fixed a bug with junk to art calcs not using long ints. - Fixed a bug where knowledge greater than c32000 rolled to negative (now there is an upper limit of 31000, with a code fix in case someone happens to get higher.
2.0 (released oct 3, 2004) - Moved 'clear' button on high score screen away from 'OK' button, and added a 'Really' button to confirm clearing the high scores. - Added a new random encounter: bleached bones. - Added a new fixed encounter: mysterious ruins. - Added color and small icons.
2.1 (released june 19, 2005) - Fixed two typos in encounters. - Changed 'meditation level' to 'Focus' - 'Pass on knowledge' changed to 'Teach' at the desert traders encounter - Amount of food and junk brought with wandering tribe increased by x2 and x6. - Fixed if you make junk from art with more than 6000 people...(Good luck on that happening a lot) - Fixed the uncommon bug of it crashing when the traders are amazed. (Divided by zero...) - Knowledge now never goes negative and gets corrected. Instead, there is an upper limit of 32000 for knowledge.
2.2 10/13/2005 - New encounter: Sand Shrine. - New encounter: Sand storm. - Baboon power gets new secret ability. - Changed all stats to long ints, so you can get over 32000. - Focus drops if people leave the tribe. To 0 unless you have concentration, they by 1. - Now 10 knowledge gives 1 extra person per meditate, as opposed to 5 knowledge gives 1 extra person. Translation: knowledge is less helpful for meditating, by half. - concentration doubles tranq made, no focus bonus increase, no +tranq bonus - Monk tranq bonus when meditating increased by x3, focus bonus by x2 + 5 ( + 35) - Initial tranq chance down to 5, (focus top increase to 18 from 16). Takes longer to get to max efficiency when meditating. - Ruins of Ash knowledge per person from exploring down to D(5) from D(10) - Philosopher power now gives 2 knowledge per turn, up from 1. - Removed 'study ruins' from ruins encounter. - Traders: food to junk trades to 1 to 2, and junk to food to 2 to 1. - Monk power increased (2 to 10 tranq a turn) - Wandering Mystic results changed to be related to your current stats. The more people or tranquility you have, the better the results.
2.3 12/28/2006 - Added splash screen on start up - Fixed bug so Oasis encounter shows up - Fixed a typo